Nature Genetics

Medical research

Facial analysis improves diagnosis

Many sufferers of rare diseases endure an odyssey until the correct diagnosis is made. "The goal is to detect such diseases at an early stage and initiate appropriate therapy as soon as possible," says Prof. Dr. Peter Krawitz ...


How our genes influence our gut health

A new study published today in Nature Genetics provides a powerful and comprehensive insight into the influence of our genes on our gut health and their role in shaping our gut microbiota.


Gene variant that protects against COVID-19 identified

An international metastudy led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet has identified a specific gene variant that protects against severe COVID-19 infection. The researchers managed to pinpoint the variant by studying people ...


Can a human microglial atlas guide brain disorder research?

Certain subtle differences in DNA sequences are known to raise the chances a person may develop Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Some of these differences may work by altering the genetic activity of microglia, the brain's ...

Medical research

The largest ever study of the plasma proteome published

In a study published today in Nature Genetics, scientists at deCODE genetics , a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical company Amgen, demonstrate how measuring the levels of a large number of proteins in plasma at population scale ...

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