Nature Methods

Medical research

Observing the freely behaving brain in action

Scientists working at Caesar have developed a small head-mounted microscope that allows access to the inner workings of the brain. The new system enables measurement of activity from neuronal populations located in the deep ...


High-speed microscope captures fleeting brain signals

Electrical and chemical signals flash through our brains constantly as we move through the world, but it would take a high-speed camera and a window into the brain to capture their fleeting paths.

Oncology & Cancer

New technique allows scientists to 'listen in' on cancer cells

Scientists have a developed a new technique to decipher how millions of individual cells are communicating with each other in miniature tumours grown in the lab, known as organoids, according to new research published in ...

Radiology & Imaging

Combination of microscopy techniques makes images twice as sharp

Researchers at Delft University of Technology have combined two existing super-resolution microscopy techniques to create a new method. Many experts thought that combining these techniques was not technically possible. The ...


Scientists develop a new method to detect light in the brain

Researchers from Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and University of Salento, both in Lecce, Italy, and Harvard Medical School in Boston have developed a new light-based method to capture and pinpoint the epicenter of ...

Oncology & Cancer

New tool helps find genetic culprits in cancer's spread

The ability of cancer to establish itself in distant parts of the body—called metastasis—causes 90% of deaths from solid tumors. Metastasis is the result of complex genetic interactions that have proven difficult for ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop modular approach to engineering immune cells

Yale researchers have developed a new way to efficiently engineer immune cells, an advance which enhances the ability to fend off cancer and other diseases, they report in the Feb. 25 issue of the journal Nature Methods.

Medical research

Engineered miniature kidneys come of age

In recent years, researchers have created mini-organs known as organoids in the culture dish that contain many of the cell types and complex microarchitectures found in human organs, such as the kidney, liver, intestine, ...

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