

Assessing connections in the brain's reading network

When we read, information zips between language processing centers in different parts of the brain, traveling along neural highways in the white matter. This coordinated activity allows us to decipher words and comprehend ...


Scientists find first in human evidence of how memories form

In a discovery that could one day benefit people suffering from traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia, UT Southwestern researchers have identified the characteristics of more than 100 memory-sensitive ...


Brain fingerprints help doctors detect neurological disease

An EPFL scientist has found that brain fingerprints—or maps of the neural connections within our brain—can be used to detect a decline in cognitive ability. That's because the fingerprints are harder to detect in people ...


Aerobic exercise boosts healthy brain aging, study finds

Neuroscientists have long known that aerobic exercises, like walking, swimming, running, or biking, are largely beneficial for brain health. Now, new research out of Assistant Professor Aga Burzynska's BRAiN Lab at Colorado ...


Mouse brain imaged from the microscopic to the macroscopic level

Researchers at the University of Chicago and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have leveraged existing advanced X-ray microscopy techniques to bridge the gap between MRI (magnetic resonance ...


Taste and its two ways to the brain

There are a few ways we perceive food, and not all are particularly well-understood. We know that much of it happens in the olfactory bulb, a small lump of tissue between the eyes and behind the nose, but how the stimuli ...

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