

Texas lab unlocks keys to alcohol withdrawal headache

About 283 million people worldwide suffer from alcohol use disorder, a debilitating health challenge for which limited therapeutic options are available. The cost to society is estimated at greater than $2 trillion annually.


Brain implant successfully controls both seizures and OCD

A patient at Oregon Health & Science University is the first in the world to benefit from a single stimulator implanted in the brain to effectively control two life-altering conditions: seizures caused by epilepsy and compulsive ...


New biomarker predicts whether neurons will regenerate

Neurons, the main cells that make up our brain and spinal cord, are among the slowest cells to regenerate after an injury, and many neurons fail to regenerate entirely. While scientists have made progress in understanding ...


Vascular cells found to be crucial in forming long-term memories

Research on long-term memories has largely focused on the role of neurons—the brain's nerve cells. However, in recent years, scientists are discovering that other cell types are also vital in memory formation and storage.


New study challenges classic tenet of memory research

Connections among one set of activated neurons in rat brains grew stronger while memories were being formed, but those in another weakened, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have discovered. The findings, at odds ...

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