New Zealand Medical Journal


Pump up the volume on quality school PE, researchers urge

Increasing the amount of time schools devote to physical education each week could dramatically reduce the number of children who are doing only minimal levels of exercise, researchers from the University of Otago, Wellington ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds inequities in bowel cancer treatment

A University of Waikato study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal looking at the treatment and timeliness of chemotherapy for bowel cancer patients in New Zealand has found there are inequities in the treatment of ...


Opioid changes may lead to more overdoses in NZ

A change in the supply of pharmaceutical morphine could inadvertently lead to more overdoses by people who inject opioids such as morphine and heroin, a University of Auckland expert warns.

Oncology & Cancer

More evidence HPV vaccine reduces precancerous lesions

The HPV vaccine has led to a significant reduction in the rate of cervical abnormalities in young New Zealand women, which is likely to result in reduced rates of cervical cancer in future, new University of Otago research ...

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