Nicotine and Tobacco Research


Novel nicotine inhaler doubles smoking quit rates

A study by researchers at the University of Otago, Wellington shows that smokers who used a nicotine inhaler were twice as likely to quit smoking as smokers using a placebo inhaler.


Smoking cessation drug proves initially more effective for women

The most effective prescription drug used to quit smoking initially helps women more than men, according to a Yale School of Medicine study.The study, published Oct. 7 by the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research, found that ...


Research shows most children do not regularly use e-cigarettes

Children aged 11 to 16 who have never smoked do not regularly use e-cigarettes, according to new Cancer Research UK data being presented today (Friday) at the UK Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Conference  and will be published ...


The controversial stop-smoking drug Champix is safe

The controversial smoking cessation drug Champix has been linked to suicidal side-effects but, according to a leading Adelaide respiratory researcher, Champix is safe and can improve someone's chances of kicking the habit.

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