Nicotine and Tobacco Research


The hidden chemicals in hookah tobacco smoke

Thanks to its sweet smell and taste, hookah has gained popularity in recent years, especially among teens and young adults. Hookah users inhale smoke, which is generated by heating hookah tobacco that is fermented with molasses ...


Quitting smoking may gain you friends

(HealthDay)—Kicking the smoking habit doesn't only boost your health, it may also help you build a wider circle of friendships, a new study says.


Novel nicotine inhaler doubles smoking quit rates

A study by researchers at the University of Otago, Wellington shows that smokers who used a nicotine inhaler were twice as likely to quit smoking as smokers using a placebo inhaler.


Smoking cessation drug proves initially more effective for women

The most effective prescription drug used to quit smoking initially helps women more than men, according to a Yale School of Medicine study.The study, published Oct. 7 by the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research, found that ...


Research shows most children do not regularly use e-cigarettes

Children aged 11 to 16 who have never smoked do not regularly use e-cigarettes, according to new Cancer Research UK data being presented today (Friday) at the UK Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Conference  and will be published ...


The controversial stop-smoking drug Champix is safe

The controversial smoking cessation drug Champix has been linked to suicidal side-effects but, according to a leading Adelaide respiratory researcher, Champix is safe and can improve someone's chances of kicking the habit.

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