Personality and Individual Differences

Psychology & Psychiatry

Impostor syndrome: When self-doubt gets the upper hand

People who systematically underestimate themselves and their own performance suffer from so-called impostor phenomenon. They think that any success is due to external circumstances or just luck and chance. Those people live ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fear of catching COVID-19 heightened Americans' disgust sensitivity

Theory has it that disgust sensitivity—how intensely a person is repulsed by images, ideas or situations that could be considered terribly gross or merely unpleasant—is an evolutionary trait that initially helped humans ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists uncover self-other moral bias at the conceptual level

Self–other bias can engender disagreement, misunderstanding, and conflict in real-world interactions. Moral perspectives are powerful in shaping thoughts and behaviors. Whether there is a self–other moral bias is poorly ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study links belief in science to mask-wearing during the pandemic

Individuals' perceptions of science as a source of superior knowledge can predict the likelihood of mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by University of Maine psychology researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Narcissism driven by insecurity, not grandiose sense of self

Narcissism is driven by insecurity, and not an inflated sense of self, finds a new study by a team of psychology researchers. Its research, which offers a more detailed understanding of this long-examined phenomenon, may ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How the COVID-19 pandemic affects dark personalities

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a global upheaval, with lives lost, vanished jobs, social instability and other detrimental effects—and some people might find a bit of enjoyment in all the disruption.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Zombie movies prepared you for the pandemic

Tales of post-apocalyptic landscapes in which few survivors emerge into a new and much different world have long been popular tales woven by screenwriters and authors. While many enjoy these stories, thinking of them as nothing ...

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