Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can narcissists be moved to show empathy?

Researchers at the University of Surrey and the University of Southampton have investigated whether narcissists can elicit empathy for another person's suffering. It has been well documented that narcissists lack empathy, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are attitudes contagious?

If you were to meet two new people, and others seem to be more friendly toward one of those individuals, would that lead you to like that individual more than the other?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why cocky guys get the girl

University of Queensland research suggests overconfidence may help people win romantic partners.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Narcissist types and what makes each tick

Chances are you've met a narcissist. Someone who thinks they're better than everyone else, dominates the conversation and loves the limelight. But scientists are increasingly realizing that not all narcissists are the same—some ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research reveals the cultural origins of self-esteem

(Medical Xpress)—Whatever our personal values, we largely base our self-worth on living up to the prevailing values of our culture, new University of Sussex-led research reveals.

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