Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
United States
Impact factor
2.647 (2010)

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Migraine surgery reduces headache days, finds study

For patients with chronic migraine, nerve decompression surgery effectively reduces the number of headache days—the outcome measure preferred by neurologists—along with other measures including the frequency and intensity ...


Social media use may help to empower plastic surgery patients

For patients considering or undergoing plastic and reconstructive surgery (PRS) procedures, using social media to gather information and answer questions can enhance patient empowerment—potentially leading to increased ...


Neural network enables objective assessment of breast symmetry

A newly developed neural network is highly accurate in identifying key landmarks important in breast surgery—opening the potential for objective assessment of breast symmetry, suggests a study in the February issue of Plastic ...


Plastic surgeons ask: What's the ideal male buttock?

At a time when more men are considering body contouring and gluteal enhancement, an Internet survey provides new information on the "ideal" appearance of the male buttock, reports the December issue of Plastic and Reconstructive ...


Evolving trends in cosmetic breast augmentation

Ongoing quality improvement data submitted by Board-certified plastic surgeons highlight current trends in surgical technique in cosmetic breast augmentation using implants, reports a study in the December issue of Plastic ...

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