Preventive Medicine


Americans don't want soda tax, size restrictions

(Medical Xpress)—Those hoping to dilute Americans' taste for soda, energy drinks, sweetened tea and other sugary beverages should take their quest to school lunchrooms rather than legislative chambers, according to a recent ...


Energy drinks linked to teen health risks

(Medical Xpress)—The uplifting effects of energy drinks are well advertised, but a new report finds consumption among teenagers may be linked with poor mental health and substance use.


Smoking bans linked to improvement in tobacco use

(HealthDay)—Smoking bans in the home and city/town are significantly associated with smoking reduction and making a quit attempt, according to a study published online Nov. 26 in Preventive Medicine.


Total smoking bans work best

Completely banning tobacco use inside the home – or more broadly in the whole city – measurably boosts the odds of smokers either cutting back or quitting entirely, report University of California, San Diego School of ...

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