Preventive Medicine


Domestic violence increased in the great recession

Emergency room visits for domestic violence incidents in California more than tripled during the Great Recession compared to the years before, signaling a need to prepare for similar and more prolonged effects during the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gun owners aren't happier, don't sleep better at night

Despite claims that owning a gun makes a person feel safer and sleep easier, gun owners don't actually sleep any better than non-gun owners, according to a new study by University of Arizona researcher Terrence Hill.

Oncology & Cancer

Cervical cancer screening numbers drop off in women 45-65

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer affecting women in the United States. That's because there are two good screening tests for cervical cancer. One is the Pap test performed during a pelvic exam ...


Post opioid-overdose interventions emerge in US

Opioid-related deaths continue to take the lives of thousands in the U.S. each year, with non-fatal opioid overdoses as a significant risk factor for a subsequent fatal overdose. Post-overdose interventions are emerging in ...

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