Psychiatric Services

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health patients will answer when asked about firearms

When patients receiving care for mental health were asked to complete a standardized questionnaire that included the question, "Do you have access to guns?" most provided a response, according to a Kaiser Permanente study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Caring for the physical health of those with mental illness

People who struggle with serious mental illnesses are more likely to die early—about 10 to 30 years early—than those without mental illness from any cause. Many factors contribute to this disparity including poor access ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds involuntary psychiatric detentions on the rise

The rate at which Americans are held against their will and forced to undergo mental health evaluations and even state-ordered confinement—lasting anywhere from a few days to years—has risen sharply over the past decade, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study examines Medicaid and adults on the autism spectrum

While much attention has been paid to the increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among U.S. children and adolescents, less is known about the population of adults with ASD. Medicaid is an important health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Text messaging: The next gen of therapy in mental health

In the U.S., it is estimated that approximately 19 percent of all adults have a diagnosable mental illness. Clinic-based services for mental health may fall short of meeting patient needs for many reasons including limited ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hospital study examines the cost-effectiveness of esketamine

A paper authored by researchers from McLean Hospital has determined that esketamine, a nasal spray to treat severe depression, is currently too expensive for widespread use. Titled "Cost-Effectiveness of Esketamine Nasal ...

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