Psychological Science

Attention deficit disorders

Eye movements reveal temporal expectation deficits in ADHD

A technique that measures tiny movements of the eyes may help scientists better understand and perhaps eventually improve assessment of ADHD, according to new research published in Psychological Science.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Link between positive emotions and health depends on culture

Positive emotions are often seen as critical aspects of healthy living, but new research suggests that the link between emotion and health outcomes may vary by cultural context. The findings, published in Psychological Science, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cognitive abilities seem to reinforce each other in adolescence

One of the most striking findings in psychology is that almost all cognitive abilities are positively related - on average, people who are better at a skill like reasoning are generally also better at a skill like vocabulary. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Believing the future will be favorable may prevent action

People tend to believe that others will come around to their point of view over time, according to findings from a series of studies published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Supreme Court rulings can signal a shift in societal norms

When the Supreme Court issued its 2015 ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, Americans understood the decision as a signal of Americans' increasing support of same-sex marriage, according to a study published by Princeton ...

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