Psychological Science


Sex, drugs, and genes: Moral attitudes share a genetic basis

Few hallmarks of the 1960s counterculture stand out like sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll—elements of a "lifestyle" that Life magazine once branded as "antithetical in almost every respect to that of conventional America." ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How a natural disaster can bring couples closer

Although natural disasters can cause horrific damage to homes and infrastructure, they can bring married couples closer together, at least temporarily. That's according to a first-of-its-kind study from researchers at The ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Just because they're angry doesn't make them guilty

Computer equipment is missing from a company storage room. Of the three employees who have access, two respond calmly when questioned by management. A third yells and swears. Who is most likely guilty?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Explaining scientific consensus may help to convince naysayers

Anyone who has the wrong idea about genetically modified foods is more likely to change their beliefs when they are told that scientific consensus tells a different story. The impact may be even more effective if the person ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood gender nonconformity in boys linked to early androgens

In laboratory animals, sex differences in behavior occur because different hormone levels produced by males and females influence patterns of gene expression in the developing brain. However, the origins of sex differences ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring empathy in everyday life

Researchers at the University of Toronto are studying our capacity for empathy, or our ability to sense and understand someone else's emotions, and are debunking some common misconceptions along the way.

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