Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Baby and adult brains 'sync up' during play, study finds

Have you ever played with a baby and felt a sense of connection, even though they couldn't yet talk to you? New research suggests that you might quite literally be "on the same wavelength," experiencing similar brain activity ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reanalysis confirms findings of the famous marshmallow test

Very few experiments in psychology have had such a broad impact as the marshmallow test developed by Walter Mischel at Stanford University in the 1960s. The test appeared to show that the degree to which young children are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infant blood markers predict childhood mental health

Stanford researchers have shown that levels of cholesterol and fat in a newborn's blood can reliably predict that child's psychological and social health five years later. If confirmed, the discovery could point to new ways ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research examines how mistakes can make people 'tune out'

Failure may not be the great teacher that conventional wisdom says it is. New research from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business finds that, contrary to common belief, people learn less from failure than from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Have a vexing problem? Sleep on it.

New Northwestern University research shows people actually might solve a problem better if they "sleep on it." In fact, the researchers were able to improve problem solving upon waking by manipulating a critical process during ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How babies integrate new events into their knowledge

Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events—for example when a ball falls through a table—provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants' ...

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