Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Behavioural implications of elevated levels of testosterone

Levels of testosterone naturally rise in certain situations. A hard workout could be a culprit. Preparing for, or winning, a competition is well known to elevate levels of the hormone. Sexual encounters provide a boost, as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Behavioral 'nudges' offer a cost-effective policy tool

Governments around the world have increasingly turned to behavioral science to help address various policy problems - new research shows that some of the best-known strategies derived from behavioral science, commonly referred ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sequential options prompt future thinking, boost patience

When faced with a tempting choice, it can be hard to stop and think through the potential consequences, but new research suggests that framing the choice as a sequence of events can help us exercise patience by prompting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotions expressed by the dying are unexpectedly positive

Fear of death is a fundamental part of the human experience—we dread the possibility of pain and suffering and we worry that we'll face the end alone. Although thinking about dying can cause considerable angst, new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Making people feel bad can be a strategy for helping them

People may try to make someone else feel negative emotions if they think experiencing those emotions will be beneficial in the long run, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds that oxytocin enhances conformity

Hope you were nice to your mom on Mother's Day, because it turns out she was right all along: Hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead you to make bad decisions, and for the first time an ASU researcher has proved it and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

First year of grade school sharpens kids' attention skills

The first year of elementary school markedly boosts a child's attentiveness, according to new research from the University of California, Berkeley, and the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood bullying linked to health risks in adulthood

Childhood bullying may lead to long-lasting health consequences, impacting psychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular health well into adulthood, according to a study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the ...

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