Psychological Science

Psychological Science, the flagship journal of the Association for Psychological Science, is the leading peer-reviewed journal publishing empirical research spanning the entire spectrum of the science of psychology. The journal publishes cutting-edge research articles, short reports, and research reports of general theoretical significance and broad interest across the field. Psychological Science is the source for the latest findings on topics from cognitive, social, developmental, and health psychology to behavioral neuroscience and biopsychology. The journal routinely features studies employing novel research methodologies and the newest, most innovative techniques of analysis. Articles are published in OnlineFirst before they are assigned to an issue. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

SAGE Publications
United States
Impact factor
4.699 (7/120) (2010)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Why children can't pay attention to the task at hand

Scientists have learned that children find it hard to focus on a task, and often take in information that won't help them complete their assignment. But the question is, why?