Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

The link between makeup and a down economy

During tough economic times, women engage in the "lipstick effect," stocking up on cosmetics and beauty products—a simple and familiar way to address their personal economic situation.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: How we explain things influences what we think is right

New research focuses on a fundamental human habit: When trying to explain something (why people give roses for Valentine's Day, for example), we often focus on the traits of the thing itself (roses are pretty) and not its ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children learn to take turns for mutual gain

It takes children until they are about 5 years old to learn to take turns with others, while the social skill seems to elude chimpanzees, according to new findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can't resist temptation? That may not be a bad thing

Researchers from the University of Rochester suggest that children raised in poverty may have been mistakenly labeled as "maladapted" for what appears to be a lack of self-control. The new study finds that what looks like ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

With food, similar substitutes are less satisfying

Sometimes the one thing we want isn't available and we have to settle for second best—instead of picking the closest substitute, new research suggests we'd be better off picking a not-so-similar alternative.

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