Psychology of Women Quarterly

Psychology & Psychiatry

Magazine articles jeopardize and empower young women's sexuality

Los Angeles, CA (September 4, 2012) While the effects of sexualized media on young women has long been debated, a new study finds that women who read sex-related magazine articles from popular women's magazines like Cosmopolitan ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why is orange the new black for female victims of trauma?

How do pathways to jail vary for females who are victims of specific types of trauma? New research published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, a SAGE journal, pinpoints the types of trauma such as caregiver violence, witnessing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Writing away the body image blues

Body dissatisfaction among women is widespread and can lead to a number of worrisome outcomes, including eating disorders, depression and anxiety. While researchers know a lot about what makes women's body image worse, they ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Erroneous beliefs about rape inhibit proper law enforcement

Australian women raped by a colleague after a party are judged more suspiciously if they neither physically resist nor fully cooperate with police when their attacker is from a Western background.

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