Psychology of Women Quarterly

Psychology & Psychiatry

Middle school dilemma: Girls' body image affected by older peers

The media is highly criticized for contributing to body image issues in adolescents. However, a study out today in Psychology of Women Quarterly finds a different source for body dissatisfaction among young girls: older girls ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do degrading TV portrayals of women cause gender harassment?

A new study in Psychology of Women Quarterly considers whether objectifying women in television and harassment are causally linked. Researchers Silvia Galdi, Anne Maass, and Mara Cadinu designed two experimental studies that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When battered women fight back stereotyping can kick in

The topic of domestic abuse remains a controversial issue when it comes to determining punishment for battered women who use violence towards their partner. According to a recent study published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Magazine articles jeopardize and empower young women's sexuality

Los Angeles, CA (September 4, 2012) While the effects of sexualized media on young women has long been debated, a new study finds that women who read sex-related magazine articles from popular women's magazines like Cosmopolitan ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why is orange the new black for female victims of trauma?

How do pathways to jail vary for females who are victims of specific types of trauma? New research published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, a SAGE journal, pinpoints the types of trauma such as caregiver violence, witnessing ...

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