
Medical research

Prenatal stress associated with infant gut microbes

Mother's chronic prenatal psychological distress and elevated hair cortisol concentrations are associated with gut microbiota composition of the infant, according to a new publication from the FinnBrain research project of ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Researchers find flooding stress impacts unborn children

NDSU researchers have discovered differences in child development based on how close mothers are to flooding during their pregnancies. The new study found that being pregnant near flooding has an impact on child development ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Clingy' spouses face greater health risks after partner dies

"Clingy" spouses—whether spending every waking moment with their partners or constantly telephoning when they're not together—are at greater risk for heart problems and poor mental health after their spouses die, according ...


Researchers study the neurochemistry of social perception

Cues signaling trust and dominance are crucial for social life. Recent research from Dr. Dan Krawczyk's lab at the Center for BrainHealth explored whether administering two chemically similar hormones known to affect social ...

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