
Psychopathology addresses scientists who work on de­scriptive psychopathology in clinical contexts, or with experimental methods in neuropsychology and experimental psychopathology, or on conceptual framing of psychopathological findings for understanding pathogenesis and for validation of diagnosis and classification. They may include an interdisciplinary approach to other medical and biological fields or to the humanities. Psychopathology does not only invite reports on medical research but also wants to address psychologists who refer to pathological phenomena or work within clinical settings. The central field of interest is the convergence of clinical phenomena, experimental findings, and conceptualisation. This would also include describing pathogenetic mechanisms of disturbed neuropsychological functions which allows remodelling and evaluation of psychotherapeutic tools.

Karger AG
Impact factor
1.816 (2011)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Study suggests depictions of depression are often misleading

A Finnish study, appearing in the journal Psychopathology, shows that people are commonly given misleading information about depression. According to the researchers, inaccurate information makes it harder for people to understand ...