Research in Developmental Disabilities

Research In Developmental Disabilities is aimed at publishing original research of an interdisciplinary nature that has a direct bearing on the remediation of problems associated with developmental disabilities. Manuscripts will be solicited throughout the world. Articles will be primarily empirical studies, although an occasional position paper or review will be accepted. The aim of the journal will be to publish articles on all aspects of research with the developmentally disabled, with any methodologically sound approach being acceptable. A list of topics areas that is illustrative but not inclusive is applied behavior analysis, pharmacotherapy, traditional assessment, behavioral assessment, speech training and occupational therapy. Our aim is to publish the best available and most current research possible.

Impact factor
3.405 (2011)

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Medical research

Sleep linked to language skills in neurodevelopmental disorders

New research has discovered that Down's syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome are all linked to sleep disruption in very young children, and that sleep plays a crucial role in the development of these children's ...


Healthy eating key to girls' ability to learn

(Medical Xpress) -- Lower birth weight and poor childhood diet can lead to poor learning and behaviour in children, particularly girls, according to new research.

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