
Inflammatory disorders

Household mould a trigger for increased asthma risk

(Medical Xpress)—Reducing the presence of mould in the home may reduce asthma in middle-aged adults according to new research led by the University of Melbourne in collaboration with the University of Tasmania, and Monash ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Nebulizers deliver less than half of prescribed asthma Rx in kids

(HealthDay)—The amount of corticosteroids delivered by nebulizers in children with asthma differs from the prescribed dose, the amount varying with drug formulation, according to research published online Nov. 24 in Respirology.


Traffic pollution and wood smoke increases asthma in adults

(Medical Xpress)—Asthma sufferers frequently exposed to heavy traffic pollution or smoke from wood fire heaters, experienced a significant worsening of symptoms, a new University of Melbourne led study has found.


New findings may help guide treatment of patients with asthma

Asthma patients often undergo tests involving inhaled methacholine, a drug that can cause narrowing of the airways, similar to what occurs in asthma. In a Respirology analysis of data on patients undergoing such tests, obesity ...


What treatable traits predict future asthma attacks?

Investigators have assessed the prevalence of treatable traits in severe asthma and have determined which specific traits are predictive of future asthma attacks. Their findings, which are published in Respirology, are the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sleep disorder linked with abnormal lipid levels

In the Respirology study, investigators identified strong associations between several measures of OSA severity and higher total cholesterol, higher LDL-cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, and lower HDL-cholesterol. Lipid ...

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