Risk Analysis

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teenagers more inclined to repeat 'risky' behaviour

School-age teenagers who have previously engaged in risky online behaviour are much more likely than young adults to repeat such behaviour in the future, according to a new study by Plymouth University.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Deadly diarrhea caused by wastewater on crops

Researchers have identified that the use of wastewater to irrigate vegetable crops, which is common across developing countries, may significantly contribute to deadly health risks such as rotavirus, a major cause of diarrheal ...


Overweight or obese people breathe more air pollutants

(Medical Xpress)—Overweight or obese adults can breathe 7-50% more air per day than an adult with healthy weight does, which makes them more vulnerable to air contaminants causing asthma and other pulmonary diseases, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Global poliovirus risk management and modeling

Launched in 1988, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) stands out as one of the largest, internationally coordinated global public health major projects conducted to date, with cumulative spending of over $16.5 ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Risk Analysis releases special issue on communicating about Zika virus

Today, Risk Analysis, an International Journal, published a special issue, "Communicating About Zika," which features several articles that were originally presented as works-in-progress at the Zika Communication Summit convened ...

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