Sex Roles

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are feminism and attachment parenting practices compatible?

What kind of mothers do feminists make? According to a new study by Miriam Liss and Mindy Erchull, from the University of Mary Washington in the US, feminist mothers endorse the importance of the time-intensive, hands-on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists take a look at the feel-good benefits of belly dance

Belly dancers have fewer hang-ups about their bodies. Most women who participate in this torso-driven dance do so because it is fun and they get to perform interesting moves – not because they necessarily feel sexier while ...


Sexual minority women are often victims of abuse

Adult lesbian and bisexual women are more likely to report childhood abuse and adult sexual assault than heterosexual women, according to a new study by Dr. Keren Lehavot from the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Facebook's effect on how we feel about ourselves

Women in their mid-30s to mid-40s are the most likely to feel dissatisfied with the way they look after using Facebook, a new University of Auckland study shows.


Helping women overcome the anguish of unwanted sexual advances

Some young women simply have more resilience and better coping skills and can shrug off the effect of unwanted cat calls, demeaning looks and sexual advances. Women with low resilience struggle and could develop psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Barbie could dampen a young girl's career dreams

Although the marketing slogan suggests that Barbie can "Be Anything," girls who play with this extremely popular doll see fewer career options available to themselves compared to boys. So say Aurora Sherman of Oregon State ...

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