Supportive Care in Cancer

Oncology & Cancer

Spirituality can promote the health of breast cancer survivors

Throughout her 20-year career as a nurse practitioner, Jennifer Hulett noticed survivors of breast cancer would often express gratitude for being alive and mention God or a divine acknowledgement that had improved their health ...

Oncology & Cancer

A terrible choice: Cancer treatment or hospice care, but not both

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) hospitals offer something Medicare does not: In some cases, treatments meant to alter the course of a disease can be offered along with hospice care. Now Colorado researchers are looking ...

Oncology & Cancer

Majority of women receive breast cancer diagnosis over the phone

A new study from the University of Missouri School of Medicine reveals an increasing number of women are learning about their breast cancer diagnosis over the phone. It's a finding that has prompted the MU School of Medicine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Four weeks to prepare cancer patients for surgery

Just four weeks of prehabilitation may be enough to help some cancer patients get in shape for surgery. That's according to a recent study of close to 120 colorectal cancer patients in Montreal. This potentially means that, ...

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