The Gerontologist


Nearby daughter most likely to be mom's caregiver

Among adult siblings, who is the most likely to become the caregiver when their mother experiences health problems? The daughter who lives closest, reports Cornell's Karl Pillemer, who has co-authored the first longitudinal ...


A walking revolution helps older adults get and stay active

(Medical Xpress)—It sounds simple: get outside and take a walk. Walking on its own is known to offer numerous health benefits, everything from lower blood pressure to less aches and pains. For some people, though, getting ...


Journal tackles aging policy issues raised by White House

In anticipation of the forthcoming 2015 White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA), The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) has produced a special issue of The Gerontologist that outlines a vision for older adults' economic ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

For Alzheimer's caregivers, a much-needed break

(HealthDay)—Day care centers for people with Alzheimer's disease can give their spouses and other family caregivers a much needed source of stress relief, a new study suggests.

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