British woman plans eighth surrogate birth

Prolific surrogate mother Jill Hawkins is on track to set a British record by giving birth to an eighth baby at age 43.

Hawkins, who has been carrying babies for couples who cannot produce their own children for the past 16 years, is now carrying the sibling of one of the babies she had in the past, The Sunday Times of London reported.

The surrogate mother, who has no children of her own, said baby Isobel -- born in 2006 -- would be her last, but she has since missed being pregnant, she said. Her last pregnancy, with twins, ended in miscarriage after nine weeks.

Some British politicians responded to Hawkins' pending record by calling for regulation of the surrogate parenting industry, which is largely unregulated by the government, to ensure women are not taken advantage of or psychologically damaged.

Hawkins herself has suffered from depression in the past and attempted suicide, though she claims it was caused by her ongoing weight battle and not her pregnancies.

Copyright 2008 by United Press International

Citation: British woman plans eighth surrogate birth (2008, January 21) retrieved 17 July 2024 from
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