Aalto University

Aalto University, Finland is a new multidisciplinary science and art community in the fields of science, economics, and art and design. The University is founded on Finnish strengths, and its goal is to develop as a unique entity to become one of the world's top universities. Aalto University's cornerstones are its strengths in education and research. At the new University, there are 20,000 basic degree and graduate students as well as a staff of 5,000 of which 350 are professors. contact information for media: Johanna Juselius Aalto University Communications tel ­­­+358 50 372 7062 email johanna.juselius@aalto.fi

Otakaari 1, Espoo, Finland, Finland

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Attention deficit disorders

Using a virtual reality game to objectively detect ADHD

Researchers have used virtual reality games, eye tracking and machine learning to show that differences in eye movements can be used to detect ADHD, potentially providing a tool for more precise diagnosis of attention deficits. ...


Anyone can get super-hearing

Humans can observe what and where something happens around them with their hearing, as long as sound frequencies lie between 20 Hz and 20 000 Hz. Researchers at Aalto University have now developed a new audio technique that ...

Medical research

AI predicts which drug combinations kill cancer cells

When healthcare professionals treat patients suffering from advanced cancers, they usually need to use a combination of therapies. In addition to cancer surgery, the patients are often treated with radiation therapy, medication ...

Oncology & Cancer

3D cell cultures reveal how cancer cells navigate tissue

Developing chemotherapy drugs against breast cancer is costly, slow, and often inefficient, with more than 95% of screened drug candidates failing in patient trials. A new technique for 3D cell culturing, developed by researchers ...

Biomedical technology

Reprogramming the shape of virus capsids could advance biomedicine

Bioengineers have found a way to program the size and shape of virus particles by combining viral protein building blocks and templates made from DNA. The resulting nanostructures could have applications in vaccine development ...

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