Page 2 - Allen Institute for Brain Science


New study reveals a holistic way to look at neurons in the brain

A new lens on visual neurons is laying the groundwork for a more complete "family tree" of the mammalian brain. A team of researchers from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, a division of the Allen Institute, published ...


Visual neurons don't work the way scientists thought, study finds

A new survey of the activity of nearly 60,000 neurons in the mouse visual system reveals how far we have to go to understand how the brain computes. Published today in the international journal Nature Neuroscience, the analysis ...


A new high-resolution map of how the brain is wired

In their quest to map the millions of neural highways and connections in the brain, researchers at the Allen Institute have made a significant step forward, unveiling a new high-resolution view of the wiring diagram of the ...

Medical research

New window into brain cell communication debuts

The Allen Institute today released its first—and the world's largest—dataset of electrical brain activity gathered using Neuropixels, a new high-resolution silicon probe that can read out activity from hundreds of neurons ...


Scientists identify a new kind of human brain cell

One of the most intriguing questions about the human brain is also one of the most difficult for neuroscientists to answer: What sets our brains apart from those of other animals?

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