American College of Cardiology

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) was formed in 1949 by 14 cardiologists. Today, ACC has 37,000 members representing numerous countries and the USA. ACC sponsors symposiums, produces current medical trends in cardiology, provides on-line news releases and supports professionals by providing consultations and certification education. ACC's breadth and scope includes all heart-related medical issues.

Heart House 2400 N St. NW Washington, DC 20037

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Chelation therapy does not improve outcomes after heart attack

People with diabetes who had suffered a heart attack derived no clinical benefit from edetate disodium-based chelation, a therapy that draws lead and other toxic metals linked to increased risk of heart disease and stroke ...


Heart pump improves survival after severe heart attacks

Implantation of the Impella CP micro-axial flow pump in the hours after a heart attack significantly increased the rate of survival at six months among people suffering cardiogenic shock, according to a study presented at ...

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