American Geophysical Union

The American Geophysical Union, (AGU) is a world-wide scientific community for the advancement and research of Earth and Space as applied to human beings. AGU is a technical society with approximately 50,000 members comprised of scientists, teachers and students. AGU conducts conferences, meetings, publishes journals, books and weekly newsletters on geophysics and related subject matter. AGU sponsors education programs and provides on-line public access to a great deal of its work. AGU sponsors public outreach to the media for the purposes of improving science-related writing to the general public.

2000 Florida Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20009-1277 USA

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Living near fumigant-using farms could increase cancer risk

Around the world, farmers each year coat their fields in hundreds of millions of pounds of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and fumigants. These chemical treatments effectively take care of crop-damaging pests, but many ...

Medical research

Higher lead concentrations found in diseased bones

Among the world's population over age 60, chronic illnesses like the degenerative bone disease osteoporosis have become more common. Trace elements of chemical impurities in bones might play a role in the development of osteoporosis, ...

Medical research

Seasonality of COVID-19 confirmed

As the novel coronavirus has raced around the world, experts have wondered whether it would behave like influenza and other respiratory viruses, spiking in the winter and abating in the summer. Now, more than a year into ...


How hospitals respond to wildfires

Wildfires are becoming worse and more frequent. Massive plumes of smoke—more dangerous than urban pollution—disperse across entire continents, spreading inhalable particles that can cause smoke-related fatalities and ...

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