Page 14 - American Psychological Association

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rude to your coworker? Think of the children

When people are rude to their coworkers or treat them badly, they probably don't realize the unintended victims in that encounter could be the coworkers' children. Women who experience incivility in the workplace are more ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dealing with digital distraction

Our digital lives may be making us more distracted, distant and drained, according to research presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we're susceptible to fake news, how to defend against it

Thought processes and belief systems that people develop early in life to help protect against the anxiety and stress of an uncertain world may help explain why some individuals fall victim to what has come to be known as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even men get the blues after childbirth

When it comes to postpartum depression, most people think of the mother's well-being, but research suggests that a similar proportion of men experience some form of depression after the birth of a child, according to presentations ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Roles of emotional support animals examined

Airlines are not the only organizations grappling with the complexities surrounding emotional support animals. Colleges and courts are also questioning the need for these animals and the effects they may have on students ...

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