Page 9 - American Psychological Association

Psychology & Psychiatry

When caregivers need care

People who regularly care for or assist a family member or friend with a health problem or disability are more likely to neglect their own health, particularly by not having insurance or putting off necessary health services ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loneliness may be due to increasing aging population

Despite some claims that Americans are in the midst of a "loneliness epidemic," older people today may not be any lonelier than their counterparts from previous generations—there just might be more of them, according to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality traits affect retirement spending

How quickly you spend your savings in retirement may have as much or more to do with your personality than whether you have a lot of debt or want to leave an inheritance.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bloodlines may matter more than love when it comes to health

Strained relationships with parents, siblings or extended family members may be more harmful to people's health than a troubled relationship with a significant other, according to a study published by the American Psychological ...

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