Page 2 - American Society for Nutrition


Are energy drinks safe?

Despite reported health concerns, the popularity of energy drinks is steadily climbing. Between 2008 and 2012, for example, energy drink sales jumped by 60% in the United States. By 2017, annual energy drink sales in the ...


Study links poor sleep with poor nutrition

Many Americans get less than the recommended amount of sleep, and many do not consume the recommended amounts of important vitamins and minerals. A new study suggests the two factors may be connected.


MIND diet linked with better focus in school-aged children

A diet originally designed to help ward off cognitive decline in adults might also help improve attention in pre-adolescents, according to a new study. The findings could help inform future dietary interventions aimed at ...


Large study shows link between vitamin D and psoriasis severity

More than eight million people in the U.S. experience psoriasis, a condition in which skin cells build up and form itchy dry patches. A person's vitamin D levels could play an important role in psoriasis severity, according ...


Most Americans are not getting enough fiber in our diets

Only 5% of men and 9% of women are getting the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber, according to a study being presented at NUTRITION 2021 LIVE ONLINE. Insufficient fiber intake is associated with a higher risk of heart ...

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