Page 8 - Asociacion RUVID

Oncology & Cancer

Photographic protocol developed to plan breast cancer surgeries

Breast cancer is most common among women: More than half a million new cases were detected in the European Union in 2018. Surgery and breast reconstruction are part of the treatment in a high percentage of cases, by way of ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New algorithm developed that helps curb COVID-19 infection

One of the most effective measures for containing the transmission of a virus is to identify who an infected person has been in contact and/or crossed paths with, mainly during incubation periods. Aiming to reduce the likelihood ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mask measurements established for children aged 3 to 12

The Biomechanics Institute (IBV), benchmark technological centre for the health, well-being and quality of life of people, is taking part in a work group coordinated by the Spanish Standardisation Body (UNE) to establish ...

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