Page 3 - Ball State University


Study finds a spoonful of cinnamon improves health

Sprinkling a spoonful of cinnamon on breakfast foods not only adds a burst of flavor but also dramatically lowers an individual's blood sugar levels, potentially reducing the chance of developing diabetes, says a new study ...


Smoking costs Indiana billions in productivity, health care

(Medical Xpress) -- As Indiana prepares for a statewide smoking ban on July 1, a new study from Ball State University finds that 21.2 percent of Hoosiers admit to regularly lighting up a cigarette, a habit costing the state ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Migraines, strokes may be linked to childhood adversity

(Medical Xpress) -- Migraines, strokes and other inflammatory diseases suffered by some adult women may be linked to adverse experiences that occurred during childhood, says a new study co-authored by a Ball State University ...

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