Page 13 - Baylor College of Medicine

Medical research

Bone microenvironment fosters breast cancer metastatic behavior

Two studies led by Baylor College of Medicine shed new light on the unanswered question of why estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer sometimes grows back in the bone and spreads to other tissues despite effective ...


Researchers identify DNA elements that affect MECP2 expression

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital (NRI) have identified and characterized two regions of DNA required for the proper expression ...


Microbes may hold the key for treating neurological disorders

When we think about the causes of neurological disorders and how to treat them, we think about targeting the brain. But is this the best or only way? Maybe not. New research by scientists at Baylor College of Medicine suggests ...

Medical research

Changing the perspective on the 'Cinderella of the cytoskeleton'

SETD2 is a protein well known as a chromatin remodeler, one that helps turn genes on or off by modifying histone proteins in the nucleus of the cell. When researchers discovered that SETD2 is mutated or lost in several cancer ...

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