Page 5 - Carnegie Mellon University


Focused ultrasound enables precise noninvasive therapy

Carnegie Mellon University's He Lab is focusing on noninvasive neuroengineering solutions that not only provide diagnostic techniques, but also innovative treatment options. Their latest research has demonstrated that noninvasive ...


Fast brainwave oscillations identify and localize epileptic brain

Professor Bin He's team at Carnegie Mellon University, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, has discovered that fast oscillations in scalp-recorded electroencephalography can pinpoint brain tissues responsible for epileptic ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy remains unchanged

Daily national surveys by Carnegie Mellon University show that while COVID-19 vaccine uptake has increased, the proportion of vaccine-hesitant adults has remained unchanged. The concerns about a side effect remain high, especially ...

Medical research

Commonalities found between viral infections and ovarian cancer

DNA viruses, such as herpesviruses and poxviruses, are among the most prolific and deadly viruses on Earth. Their ability to proliferate widely is due in large part to the way these viruses incubate in the body. Many DNA ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-related depression linked to reduced physical activity

The United States spends more than $200 billion every year in efforts to treat and manage mental health. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has only deepened the chasm for those experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety. ...

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