Page 12 - Children's Hospital Boston


Contrary to the common view, cerebral palsy can be genetic

Cerebral palsy, a non-progressing motor impairment that begins in early childhood, has widely been viewed as the result of oxygen deprivation during birth or other birth-related factors such as prematurity. While this is ...


Emerging protein-based COVID-19 vaccines could be game-changing

Current messenger RNA vaccines appear to offer at least some protection against new SARS-CoV-2 variants, including omicron, especially for people who have received boosters. But manufacturing costs and the need for ultra-cold ...


Could concussion be monitored through urine samples?

Concussion can be frustratingly hard to diagnose and track. The injury doesn't show up on routine brain scans, and there is no definitive diagnostic test. It's usually diagnosed based on symptoms, and, in athletes, comparison ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What makes the delta variant of COVID-19 so contagious?

The delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 has swept the planet, becoming the dominant variant within just a few months. A new study from Boston Children's Hospital, published in Science, explains why delta spreads so easily and infects ...


Inadequate sleep is bad for preteens' brains

We all know that if we don't get enough sleep or don't sleep well, we won't be on top of our game the next day. And we know that many teens and preteens get too little or poor-quality sleep. Now, a large, first-of-its kind ...

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