Page 4 - Children's Hospital Boston


EEG markers in early life could help predict and diagnose anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem among children and adolescents and are a risk factor for adult disorders. Stress is a big factor—at home, at school, and from external factors like COVID-19 and ...


Pioneering trial offers hope for late treatment of 'lazy eye'

In children with amblyopia or "lazy eye," one eye is weaker than the other for any of a number of reasons. It may not focus as well, it may be misaligned due to strabismus, or its vision may be obstructed by a cataract or ...


Rapid DNA sequencing yields timely answers for infant epilepsy

Treating children with epilepsy has traditionally been a matter of trial and error, trying different drugs one after the other. In the one-third of patients for whom the drugs do not work and seizures continue, doctors consider ...


Nanobodies from alpacas could steer immune attacks on influenza

While conventional flu vaccines are designed to anticipate the influenza strains projected to dominate in the next flu season, they're only partially effective. And while antiviral drugs are available to treat active flu ...

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