Page 3 - Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Psychology & Psychiatry

How stress, anxiety contribute to youth violence

It only takes a quick Google search to find an up-to-the-minute list of school shootings in the United States. According to Education Week's 2021 School Shooting Tracker, there were 34 last year. On Nov. 30, many people ...


Living donor liver transplants: Better outcomes for children

In the United States alone, 500 children will need a liver transplant this year. While liver tissue can come from living or deceased donors, no studies have demonstrated which of these methods leads to better outcomes for ...


How kids can stay safe while walking to school

With back-to-school season upon us, kids and parents are naturally excited for some return to normalcy. In addition to putting together school supplies and mapping out schedules, there's another thing parents should do: teach ...


Virtual reality shown to reduce pain and anxiety in children

It isn't a matter of one needle puncture. Many children coming through the doors of Children's Hospital Los Angeles are seen for chronic conditions and often require frequent visits. Painful procedures—like a blood draw ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

The mind and body connected: Athletes and mental health

Achieving peak performance in competitive athletics requires a complex but delicate interplay of skill, physical conditioning, practice, precision, grit and passion. Sometimes, both external and internal factors such as self-doubt, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chemotherapy and hearing loss: Until now, an unquantified risk

Cisplatin is one of the most effective chemotherapy agents, used in just under half of pediatric cancer cases. Permanent hearing loss is a common side effect of this medication, but until now, studies have been too small ...

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