Page 28 - Chinese Academy of Sciences


Pupillary light reflex can be inhibited by multisensory signals

Multisensory integration has been recently shown to produce a larger pupil size than unisensory constituents. Superior colliculus (SC), an important laminar nucleus in the midbrain, not only engages in spatial attention and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pupils mirror perception of social interaction

Humans are endowed with intrinsic social motivation to interact with others and to maintain social relationships. It has been demonstrated that pupil size may serve as a window for personal motivations, such as sex, money ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists uncover self-other moral bias at the conceptual level

Self–other bias can engender disagreement, misunderstanding, and conflict in real-world interactions. Moral perspectives are powerful in shaping thoughts and behaviors. Whether there is a self–other moral bias is poorly ...

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