Page 7 - City University London


Improving retention for student and early career nurses

Researchers from City, University of London are working in partnership with Barts Health NHS Trust to develop a new intervention which aims to improve nurse retention for students and early career nurses.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The man who hears you speak before he sees your lips move

Research led by Dr Elliot Freeman, from City University London's Department of Psychology, which examined the first documented case of someone who hears people talk before he sees their lips move, has been published in New ...


Peer-befriending may help people with aphasia

A new study led by City, University of London suggests that peer-befriending when stroke patients with aphasia are discharged from hospital and active care is withdrawn may help reduce depressive symptoms.


Predicting vision loss in diabetes

A new study from a researcher at City, University of London has found that the location of lesions in the eye can help predict vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy, a frequent cause of blindness in the Western world.

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