Page 4 - CNRS

Medical research

Malaria research identifies new molecule with therapeutic potential

For the first time ever, a molecule able to prevent the invasion of blood cells by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, responsible for malaria, has been identified and described by CNRS scientists, in collaboration with American ...

Medical research

COVID-19: A respiratory mucosal vaccine effective in mice

Less known to the general public, mucosal vaccination via the mucus membranes could provide robust protection against SARS-CoV-2 infections. Immune cells in the nose and lungs are considered better prepared to encounter and ...


Cells are able to 'talk to themselves' for better immune response

Research from the laboratories of Dr. André Veillette, Director of Research in Molecular Oncology at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and Professor and Researcher in the Department of Medicine at the Université ...


Neuronal circuit serving social interaction

The existence of a circuit of neurons innervating our skin that promotes interaction with other individuals has just been demonstrated by a team of researchers from the Institute of Functional Genomics (CNRS/INSERM/University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Epigenetic treatments: New allies for chemotherapies?

If genetics is interested in gene sequencing, epigenetics studies how genes are going to be used, or not used, by a cell. The epigenome of a cell represents the set of chemical modifications of the DNA or associated proteins ...


Chatbot for addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

What if a few minutes of interaction with a chatbot could effectively address vaccine concerns? In an article published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, researchers from the CNRS, INSERM, and ENS-PSL show that such ...

Medical research

Promising opportunities for treating skin fibrosis

Collagen, the main component of the skin's extracellular matrix, can cause a pathological condition if it is in excess. Applying an electric field to the skin affects collagen pathways, temporarily reducing collagen production ...

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