Page 19 - CORDIS


The long-sought cure to Huntington's disease

The current lack of a treatment proven effective against 'Huntington's disease' (HD) is leaving one in every 10 000 people with psychiatric, movement, feeding and communication problems that are very difficult to live with. ...


Brain pacemakers without side effects

For Parkinson's disease (PD) patients whose symptoms cannot be controlled by medication, 'Deep brain stimulation' (DBS) may be the only hope. While DBS is generally considered to be safe, side effects related to the stimulation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Healing virus 'Rigvir' can double cancer survival rates

Strangely enough, cancer patients across the world seem to have come to terms with the fact that the most effective treatment against cancer - chemotherapy - actually destroys their immune system. In Latvia, however, a breakthrough ...


The trials and tribulations of being left-handed

As 13 August is recognised worldwide as International Left-Handers Day, there has been an increased focus over the past week on the biological and genetic causes of left-handedness in humans, as well as the health, social ...


Olympic Games shine a light on the 'cupping' technique

With the start of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the use of the ancient 'cupping' technique by various athletes, to supposedly improve their recovery time and allow for better performance, has been one of ...

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