Page 31 - CORDIS


Toward evidence-based public policy for alcohol

Europeans are the world's heaviest drinkers. Per capita consumption is equivalent to each EU citizen aged 15 years or older drinking around 12 litres of pure alcohol per year, or just under three standard drinks per day in ...


From electronic brains to the power of the mind...

The EU budget has provided more than EUR 1.9 billion for brain research since the start of the current EU framework programme for research, FP7, in 2007. This has funded more than 1200 projects with more than 1500 participants ...


...treating neurological diseases and computers that see

Some 165 million Europeans are likely to experience some form of brain-related disease during their life. As the population ages, Alzheimer''s and other neurodegenerative or age-related mental disorders are affecting more ...


Boosting immunity—and vaccine research

Vaccination has achieved huge success in controlling many devastating infectious diseases. However, there are still many such diseases, or 'pathogens', against which we cannot generate life-long protective immunity. On the ...


Brain project gives young scientists a flying start

Through collaborative work, an EU-funded research team aims to uncover how neural circuits are genetically encoded and how neuronal computation controls behaviour. It has also set out to give some of Europe's brightest young ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tackling the complications of childhood cancer treatment

While the diagnosis of any child or teenager with cancer is extremely traumatic, there have been huge advances in treatment; the five-year survival rate is now 80 percent in developed countries. With more young people surviving ...

Oncology & Cancer

Transforming cervical screening

(Medical Xpress)—There is nothing like a big celebrity name to create global attention to a big health concern. As a result we now have the 'Jolie effect' to describe the influence actress Angelina Jolie has had on people ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study shines a light on relationship between genes, diet and obesity

A project involving 29 partners from across Europe has successfully identified a number of innovative products and dietary regimes that could help individuals susceptible to weight gain avoid becoming obese. The project represents ...

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