Page 34 - CORDIS


Analysing the benefits of seaweed for SMEs

The health benefits of sea vegetables such as seaweed have been well documented by nutrition experts. Traditionally, those eating seaweed-based diets have shown fewer instances of obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and ...


RARE-Bestpractices: Researching rare diseases

Clinical research needs to optimise its agenda by taking into consideration both patients' and clinicians' needs and interests. This is the goal of a four-year project funded by the EU's Seventh Framework Programme, which ...

Oncology & Cancer

Ultrasound to combat liver tumours

Liver tumours are either benign or malignant; if malignant then they can be primary or secondary. In Europe, a solitary lesion in the liver is more likely to be a metastatic carcinoma than a primary liver tumour. The major ...


Managing diabetes with data and ingenuity

An EU-funded project has developed a device which can predict sugar highs and lows for people with diabetes and provide them with advice on how to manage their glucose levels.

Oncology & Cancer

Novel treatment for bone marrow cancer

Multiple myeloma is a form of cancer in which the plasma cells in the bone marrow grow out of control, causing damage to bones as well as predisposing patients to anaemia, infection and kidney failure. A medical procedure ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Communicating during epidemics

Disease outbreaks are inevitable, and can often be unpredictable. They are frequently marked by uncertainty, confusion and a sense of urgency. Communication, generally through the media, is an important feature of the outbreak ...


Mining for new drugs in the ocean

Each time we use an antibiotic, the weaker strains of infection are killed off while the stronger, more virulent strains are left behind to multiply. In the past, this has not caused much concern, as there has always been ...


Tackling hearing loss

Some 16 per cent of European adults suffer from hearing loss that is severe enough to adversely affect their daily life. Hearing loss impacts on one's ability to communicate - to hear, process sound, and respond - which can ...

Attention deficit disorders

DNA chip for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Is your child like this? "He does not sit still, he makes you crazy always tapping or moving his leg, he cannot do one thing at a time, he is unable to remain seated at the table during dinner, he goes up and down in the ...

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